Tuesday, February 24, 2009


OK... OK... For all that don't know, I do not drive. Yes, I am a 27 year old mom of four and I still do not drive. It is all about to change. The story leading up to me getting my permit is pretty funny!

On Saturday everyone in the family decided it was gang up on Nicki day about me not driving. We agreed that I would need to get my permit and get it soon. I had no idea then how soon it was going to happen.

Fast forward to Sunday night. Gary walked into Tilly's to buy a hat and noticed his wallet was gone. Not good! That night I had to call the banks and cancel his cards and all that fun stuff and on Monday we had to go to the DMV to get him a new license. I had to pay because I was the one with a valid check card still. While we were there I decided what the heck, lets take the permit test. Totally thinking I was going to fail I take it. Turn it in and the lady looks at it and a minute later announced that I PASSED! HA - So I am now a permitted driver and my license will soon be after!
OH and Gary found his wallet. We called Tilly's and there it was!

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